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Kuća HUM - Na prodaju

Kuća Na prodaju - ISTARSKA BUZET

Opis nekretnine

Istra, blizu Huma - kuća usred šume 140m2
LOKACIJA: Građevina je smještena samo 3.5 km od najmanjeg grada na svijetu Huma. Usred prirode, okružena šumom i zelenilom, na mirnoj lokaciji samo 300 m od asfaltirane ceste nekretnini se zadnju etapu pristupa bijelim putem. Udaljenost od pulske zračne luke je 84 km, od aerodroma u Veneciji 214 km. More se nalazi na 37 km udaljenosti dok je do prve trgovine 6 km. Lokacija je udaljena 12 kilometara od ulaza na istarski Y - autocestu.
OPIS: Ova nekretnina rađena je kao rekonstrukcija već postojeće građevine u sklopu starog sela koje je davno raseljeno i napušteno. Stara kuća je u potpunosti srušena i pristupilo se temeljitoj rekonstrukciji građevine od temelja. Stoga je nova građevina izgrađena koristeći nove i moderne materijale, međukatna konstrukcija je izvedena gredicama i ispunama od opeke te betonirana kao i krovna konstrukcija. Građevina te posjeduje sve potrebne dozvole, građevinsku dozvolu te je vlasništvo je čisto - 1/1.
Prizemlje kuće se sastoji od kuhinje, blagovaonice i dnevnog boravka, sa spavaćom sobom i 2 kupaonice. Prvi kat ima 3 spavaće sobe, a dvije od njih imaju vlastitu kupaonicu. U prizemlju također postoji dodatna jedinica od 25 m2 namijenjena za vanjsku kuhinju ili konobu te spremište i WC. Ispred ljetne kuhinje je planiran veliki preljevni bazen (pogledajte projekcije u slikama) koji se savršeno stapa sa zelenilom i okolišem pitoresknog kraja.
S obzirom da je kuća u fazi gradnje i kao takva se prodaje, možete je dizajnirati po vlastitim preferencijama. Uz stambeni prostor, tu je i dodatnih 7.297 m2 zemljišta koje je u cijeni pa se možete okušati u poljodjelstvu, sadnji maslina ili drugih kultura.
Ukoliko želite pobjeći od svakodnevnog ubrzanog života, baviti se turizmom u vidu iznajmljivanja i seoskog turizma ili samo uložiti svoj novac na pametan način ovo je izvrsna prilika za to. Na zemljištu postoji mogućnost rekonstrukcije još građevina. Područje je iznimno interesantno jer se nalazi u blizini Kotli - naselja u sastavu Grada Buzeta, Istarska županija. Kroz selo protječe rijeka Mirna padajući u predivnim slapovima. Nekada su postojale dvije vodenice od kojih je danas dijelom obnovljena jedna. Ime je dobilo po udubini u stijeni oblikovanoj vodom unutar korita potoka, koja naliči na kotao i koja se prema narječju zove „kotal". U blizini se nalazi i najmanji grad na svijetu - Hum.
Za sva pitanja i informacije ili za dogovor termina pregleda nekretnine kontaktirajte nas već danas, a na poveznici https://angelusnekretnine.hr/o-nama možete pogledati naše Opće uvjete poslovanja.
LOCATION: The building is located only 3.5 km from the smallest town in the world, Hum. In the middle of nature, surrounded by forest and greenery, in a quiet location only 300 m from the paved road, the last stage of the property is accessed by a white road. Distance from Pula airport is 84 km, from Venice airport 214 km. The sea is 37 km away, while the first shop is 6 km away. The location is 12 kilometers from the entrance to the Istrian Y - highway.
DESCRIPTION: This property was built as a reconstruction of an already existing building within the old village that was displaced and abandoned a long time ago. The old house was completely demolished and a thorough reconstruction of the building was started from the ground up. Therefore, the new building was built using new and modern materials, the mezzanine structure was made of joists and brick fillings, and concreted as well as the roof structure. The building has all the necessary permits, a building permit, and the ownership is clean - 1/1.
The ground floor of the house consists of a kitchen, dining room and living room, with a bedroom and 2 bathrooms. The first floor has 3 bedrooms, two of which have their own bathroom. On the ground floor there is also an additional unit of 25 m2 intended for an outdoor kitchen or tavern, as well as a storage room and toilet. A large overflow pool is planned in front of the summer kitchen (see the projections in the pictures), which blends perfectly with the greenery and the environment of the picturesque area.
House is under construction and is being sold as this, you can design it according to your own preferences. In addition to the living space, there is also an additional 7,297 m2 of land that is included in the price, so you can try your hand at farming, planting olives or other crops.
If you want to escape from everyday fast-paced life, engage in tourism in the form of rentals and rural tourism, or just invest your money in a smart way, this is an excellent opportunity for that. There is a possibility of reconstruction of more buildings on the land. The area is extremely interesting because it is located near Kotli - a settlement within the City of Buzet, Istrian County. The Mirna river flows through the village, falling in beautiful waterfalls. There used to be two water mills, one of which has been partially restored today. It got its name from a hollow in the rock formed by water inside the streambed, which resembles a cauldron and is called "kotal" according to the dialect. Nearby is the smallest town in the world - Hum.
For all questions and information or to arrange an appointment for a real estate inspection, contact us today, and you can view our General Terms and Conditions at the link https://angelusnekretnine.hr/o-nama.

Dodatne informacije

  • Cijena

    290.000 €


    Na prodaju

  • Stambena površina

    140 m2

    Površina zemljišta

    7297 m2

  • Garaža




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