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Stan PAZDIGRAD - Na prodaju


Opis nekretnine

Split - NOVOGRADNJA, trosoban stan sa dva parkirna mjesta i pogledom na more, 79.05 m2
Angelus nekretnine Vam nude na prodaju prekrasan trosoban stan od 79.05 m2, sa pogledom na more, u NOVOGRADNJI u Splitu – predio Žnjan-Pazdigrad
Stan se nalazi u mirnom okruženju, na vrlo atraktivnoj lokaciji, jugoistočnom dijelu Splita i ima odličnu povezanost s ostalim dijelovima grada. Iznimno urban predio grada koji ima sve potrebno za ugodno življenje. U neposrednoj blizini nalaze se Osnovna škola Pazdigrad, vrtići, razne trgovine, dječji parkovi, ljekarna, Dom zdravlja, stanica javnog gradskog prijevoza. Udaljenost od mora i najbliže plaže je manje od 300 m, kao i od šetnice na Žnjanu. Zgrada je udaljena od važnih komunalnih i prometnih točaka: Javni gradski prijevoz - 100 m, Klinički bolnički centar - 1 km, Centar grada (Riva) - 4 km, Auto-put Zagreb-Split - 20 km, Zračna luka Split - 25 km.
Prodaje se trosoban stan ukupne neto površine od 79.05 m položen na prvom katu novosagrađene stambene zgrade. Stan se sastoji od ulaznog hodnika, kuhinje i blagovaonice s dnevnim boravkom, tri spavaće sobe, dvije kupaonice i velikog balkona sa kojeg se pruža prekrasan pogled na more. Zgrada je izgrađena prema suvremenim standardima od vrlo kvalitetnih materijala, sa svom potrebnom opremom uključujući i lift. Stanu pripadaju dva parkirna mjesta u podrumskoj garaži, iz koje se liftom može direktno doći do stana. Zgrada je istočne orijentacije i osunčana je cijeli dan, a stan je istočno-zapadne orijentacije s kojeg se pruža prekrasan pogled na more i obližnje otoke.
Vlasništvo je uredno 1/1.
Hodnik 8.06 m2
Kuhinja + Dnevni boravak i blagovaonica 23.30 m2
Predsoblje 3.01 m2
Soba 1 11.05 m2
Soba 2 7.87 m2
Soba 3 10.76 m2
Kupaonica 1 4.57 m2
Kupaonica 2 4.53.m2
Balkon (11.80 x 0.50) 5.90 m2
UKUPNO 79.05 m2
Nekretnina ima jako veliki potencijal, bilo da se radi o mjestu za miran i kvalitetan život ili kao investicija u svrhu najma.
Za sva pitanja i informacije ili za dogovor termina pregleda nekretnine kontaktirajte nas već danas, a na poveznici https://angelusnekretnine.hr/o-nama možete pogledati naše Opće uvjete poslovanja.
Vaše Angelus nekretnine!
Angelus nekretnine offers for sale a beautiful three-room apartment of 79.05 m2, with a view of the sea, in a NEW CONSTRUCTION in Split - Žnjan-Pazdigrad area
The apartment is located in a quiet environment, in a very attractive location, in the southeastern part of Split and has excellent connections with other parts of the city. An exceptionally urban area of ​​the city that has everything you need for a comfortable life. In the immediate vicinity are the Pazdigrad Elementary School, kindergartens, various shops, childrens parks, a pharmacy, a health center, and a public transport station. The distance from the sea and the nearest beach is less than 300 m, as well as from the promenade on Žnjan. The building is far from important communal and traffic points: Public city transport - 100 m, Clinical hospital center - 1 km, City center (Riva) - 4 km, Zagreb-Split highway - 20 km, Split airport - 25 km.
A three-room apartment with a total net area of ​​79.05 m is for sale, located on the first floor of a newly built residential building. The apartment consists of an entrance hall, kitchen and dining room with a living room, three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a large balcony with a beautiful view of the sea. The building was built according to modern standards from high-quality materials, with all the necessary equipment, including an elevator. The apartment has two parking spaces in the basement garage, from which the apartment can be directly reached by elevator. The building has an eastern orientation and is exposed to the sun all day long, while the apartment is east-west oriented with a beautiful view of the sea and nearby islands.
Ownership is neat 1/1.
Hallway 8.06 m2
Kitchen + living room and dining room 23.30 m2
Entrance hall 3.01 m2
Room 1 11.05 m2
Room 2 7.87 m2
Room 3 10.76 m2
Bathroom 1 4.57 m2
Bathroom 2 4.53 m2
Balcony (11.80 x 0.50) 5.90 m2
TOTAL 79.05 m2

The property has great potential, whether it is a place for a peaceful and quality life or as an investment for the purpose of renting.
For all questions and information or to arrange an appointment for a real estate inspection, contact us today, and you can view our General Terms and Conditions at the link https://angelusnekretnine.hr/about-nama.
Your Angelus Real Estate!

Dodatne informacije

  • Cijena

    450.000 €


    Na prodaju

  • Stambena površina

    79 m2

    Površina zemljišta

    0 m2

  • Garaža




  • Kupaonice


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