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Stan TROGIR - Na prodaju


Opis nekretnine

Croatia, Trogir-NEWLY BUILT, fully furnished apartment with sea view
Angelus nekretnine Vam nude na prodaju predivno uređen dvosoban stan od 62 m2, u novogradnji sa prekrasnim pogledom na more.
Prodaje se kompletno novouređen stan u Trogiru, u novoj stambenoj zgradi na jedinstvenoj lokaciji, koja je udaljena nekoliko minuta od mora i svega 1500 m od starog centra grada.
Trogir, Mala Venecija, grad spomenik ili kako ga još nazivaju „kamena ljepotica" je destinacija koju odlikuje niz prirodnih i kulturno-povijesnih atrakcija. Jedna od posebnosti po kojoj je ovaj mediteranski grad uistinu jedinstven je njegov smještaj na otočiću, te razvedeni otočni arhipelag koji mu pripada. Trogir je i dobro prometno povezana turistička destinacija, a kvalitetne prometnice, koje turistima omogućavaju brzu i sigurnu dostupnost odabranim odredištima, posebno su važne za razvoj turizma. Od iznimne je važnosti i blizina Zračne luke Split koja je od grada udaljena tek nekoliko kilometara. Kada tome pridodamo brojne kulturno – povijesne spomenike, bogatu gastronomsku ponudu, prirodne ljepote i veliki broj otočića koji pripadaju trogirskom arhipelagu, Trogir uistinu zaslužuje epitet kao jedan od omiljenijih destinacija za život i odmor.
Zračna luka Split udaljena je 6 kilometara, Zračna luka Zadar 115 km, grad Split 27 km.
Predivno uređen dvosoban stan ukupne bruto površine od 62 m2, zajedno s terasom, nalazi se na trećem katu moderne stambene zgrade, koja ukupno broji samo šest stanova i udaljena je svega 300 m od mora. Stan se sastoji od ulaznog hodnika, kuhinje i blagovaonice s dnevnim boravkom, dvije spavaće sobe, kupaonice, wc-a i jedne velike natkrivene terase s koje se pruža prekrasan pogleda na more i Čiovo. Sav namještaj kao i kuhinja izrađen je po mjeri u kojeg je utkan dašak luksuza, što zasigurno ovu nekretninu još više čini posebnom. Svaka prostorija ima zasebnu klima jedinicu, a dnevni boravak i kupaonice imaju ugrađeno podno grijanje. Stanu pripada jedno natkriveno i jedno nenatkriveno parkirno mjesto, te sprema od 5 m2, koja se nalazi u suterenu zgrade.
Stan je vrlo svijetao i prozračan, s obzirom da se nalazi na južnoj strani, a moderna zgrada kojoj stan pripada uređena je prema najnovijim standardima i uvjetima o gradnji koji će zadovoljiti i najzahtjevnijeg kupca.
Ova šarmantna i neodoljiva nekretnina koja odiše skladno nijansiranom dozom ljepote idealna je za odmor i ugodan obiteljski život. Ima također i jako veliki potencijal ukoliko se novi vlasnici žele baviti turizmom.
Nekretninu svakako preporučamo pogledati s obzirom na sve gore navedeno, u što smo se i sami uvjerili.
Cijenjeni potencijalni kupci,
Agencijska provizija za kupca iznosi 2% + PDV od ukupno dogovorene kupoprodajne cijene.
S poštovanjem,
Vaše Angelus nekretnine d.o.o.
Angelus nekretnine offers for sale a beautifully decorated two-room apartment of 62 m2, in a new building with a beautiful view of the sea.
A completely newly renovated apartment for sale in Trogir, in a new residential building in a unique location, which is a few minutes from the sea and only 1500 m from the old city center.
Trogir, Little Venice, the city monument or as it is also called "stone beauty" is a destination characterized by a number of natural and cultural-historical attractions. One of the peculiarities that makes this Mediterranean city truly unique is its location on a small island, and the separated island archipelago that belongs to it. Trogir is also a well-connected tourist destination, and quality roads, which enable tourists to quickly and safely reach their chosen destinations, are particularly important for the development of tourism. The proximity of Split Airport, which is only a few kilometers away from the city, is also extremely important. When we add to that numerous cultural and historical monuments, a rich gastronomic offer, natural beauty and a large number of islands that belong to the Trogir archipelago, Trogir truly deserves the epithet as one of the most popular destinations for life and vacation.
Split airport is 6 kilometers away, Zadar airport 115 km, Split city 27 km.
A beautifully decorated two-room apartment with a total gross area of ​​62 m2, together with a terrace, is located on the third floor of a modern residential building, which has a total of only six apartments and is only 300 m from the sea. The apartment consists of an entrance hall, a kitchen and a dining room with a living room, two bedrooms, a bathroom, a toilet and a large covered terrace with a beautiful view of the sea and Čiovo. All the furniture, as well as the kitchen, is custom-made with a touch of luxury woven into it, which certainly makes this property even more special. Each room has a separate air conditioning unit, and the living room and bathrooms have built-in underfloor heating. The apartment has one covered and one uncovered parking space, and a storage room of 5 m2, which is located in the basement of the building.
The apartment is very bright and airy, considering that it is located on the south side, and the modern building to which the apartment belongs is arranged according to the latest standards and construction conditions that will satisfy even the most demanding customer.
This charming and irresistible property, which exudes a harmoniously nuanced dose of beauty, is ideal for vacations and a pleasant family life. It also has great potential if the new owners want to engage in tourism.
We definitely recommend viewing the property in view of all the above, as we have seen for ourselves.
Dear potential customers,
The agency commission for the buyer is 2% + VAT of the total agreed purchase price.
With respect,
Your Angelus nekretnine d.o.o.

Dodatne informacije

  • Cijena

    292.000 €


    Na prodaju

  • Stambena površina

    62 m2

    Površina zemljišta

    0 m2

  • Garaža




  • Kupaonice


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