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Terms & conditions

Introduction These terms and conditions have been created by the owner of the website croreal.com (the "Website") and establish the relationship between the users, visitors and subscribers of the Website. We encourage all users, visitors and subscribers to read these terms carefully. If they do not agree with them, they are not allowed to use this website. If they use the website, they automatically agree to these terms. The website owner reserves the right to change the terms and conditions and privacy policy at any time and without prior notice, therefore we recommend users, visitors and subscribers to read the current terms of use and privacy policy each time they visit the website.

Terms of use The content of the website may not be copied, reproduced, distributed or republished without the permission of the website owner. Users, visitors and subscribers may print and save website content for personal use, but never for commercial purposes. Those wishing to register for services on the Website must:

Users who wish to register for the services of the website must declare their correct and complete personal information. After registering and paying for the services, the amount paid will not be refunded. These terms also include that users must notify the website of any change to their personal information. The website reserves the right to suspend its operation to solve technical problems and also has the right to terminate the provision of services to users who do not pay their financial obligations on time.

The User/Visitor/Subscriber agrees not to use any content on the Website that is unlawful, harmful, abusive, vulgar, racist, violent, harassing, defamatory, or otherwise objectionable. Users/Visitors/Subscribers also agree not to harm minors, falsify their identity, use content that is not rightfully theirs, or otherwise violate any laws or third party rights on the Website. If the website discovers that any user/visitor/subscriber violates these terms, it has the right to immediately remove such content and terminate the account of the user/visitor/subscriber in question.

The website is not responsible for:
The website operator states that it is not responsible for any damages or losses that may arise as a result of the use of the website. These include failures caused by software or Internet errors, loss of password or account ID, consequences of using automated programs, damage to computer equipment by viruses, failure to guarantee the correctness of the content of linked websites and others. The website warns users that the responsibility for the protection and privacy of information provided on other websites is not their responsibility and that in case of problems, users should contact these websites directly. Content provided by third parties is also not the responsibility of the website.

econstitutes advice and the user/visitor/subscriber of this website should not rely on any material on this website to make any decision or take any action based on the content of the website.

The content of this website is provided by 3rd parties (real estate agents, real estate agents, users) and cannot be certified or guaranteed as to its accuracy. In no case is the website responsible for the correctness of the description of the property or for any economic losses. which may arise from a transaction in the real estate market.

The pages contained on the Website may also contain errors, including technical and typographical errors.

The Website provides its users/visitors/subscribers with the opportunity to purchase services through e-commerce applications under the specific terms and conditions it establishes and by overseeing the protection of the personal data it submits in order to use these services.

Access to the pages/services of the website is not associated with any additional costs, apart from the rates applicable for general Internet access, as they have been formulated by the Internet service providers and are paid exclusively to them.

Copyright The content and the right to use any content of the website constitutes the literary property of the owner of the website.

Agreement These terms constitute the entire agreement between the website and any of its users/visitors/subscribers (real estate agents, real estate agencies, other users).

Contact If you have any questions or need clarification on any of the above, please email us in section Contact