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Vukovarska 24


00385 (0)20 356 020
00385 (0)91 356 0202

Libertas inženjering d.o.o. is a company founded in 2005 and based in Dubrovnik. The founders main idea was to provide a comprehensive range of real estate services, primarily in the Dubrovnik–Neretva County. However, for over a decade, we have been fulfilling our clients requirements all across Croatia. We mediate in the purchase and sale of apartments, houses, land and commercial properties, and we do all construction and craft works. In addition to that, we produce bills of quantities and provide legal and tax consultancy services, professional assistence in obtaining building permits, in cooperation with architecture firms, and project management services.
The growth of our business led to the founding of a sister company run by the same CEOs and owners – Libertas inženjering plus d.o.o. Hence, Libertas inženjering d.o.o. has become a construction company doing all kinds of construction and craft works. From 2009 the company has been certified by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia to do construction works on immovable cultural properties. Since then, the company has undertaken a wide spectrum of works on numerous monuments in the Old Town of Dubrovnik, under UNESCO protection, as well as on churches, monasteries and summer residences outside the City Walls, in Cavtat, Konavle, Dubrovačko primorje, on the Elafiti Islands and Pelješac Peninsula.
Libertas inženjering plus d.o.o. is a real estate company whose business is based on the individual-focused approach and local market expertise. The CEO has completed all the necessary professional and educational requirements, and the company has been listed in the Register of Real Estates Agencies at the Croatian Chamber of Commerce.
Our mission is to conduct business responsibly, providing prompt, comprehensive and quality services to our clients, respecting the highest professional standards, and contributing to the development of the local community.
The vision is to become the leading Croatian construction and real estate companies, recognised for offering the very best service to our clients.
Our knowledge, experience and commitment to excellence are a guarantee of success in your search for a perfect home or great investment.


Libertas inženjering d.o.o. je tvrtka osnovana 2005. u Dubrovniku. Temeljna zamisao osnivača bila je pružanje sveobuhvatne usluge u poslovanju nekretninama, prvenstveno na području Dubrovačko-neretvanske županije, no zahtjevima naših klijenata već više od desetljeća udovoljavamo i diljem Hrvatske. Nudimo usluge posredovanja u kupoprodaji stanova, kuća, građevinskih i poljoprivrednih zemljišta te poslovnih prostora, pravne usluge, porezno savjetovanje, izvođenje svih građevinsko-obrtničkih radova, izrade troškovnika, stručnu pomoć pri ishodovanju dozvola o građenju, u suradnji s partnerskim arhitektonskim uredima, te usluge vođenja projekata za ulagače.

Razvojem našega poslovanja ukazala se potreba za osnivanjem sestrinske tvrtke istih vlasnika i direktora – Libertas inženjering plus d.o.o. Tvrtka Liberatas inženjering d.o.o. prvenstveno se bavi izvođenjem svih vrsta građevinsko-obrtničkih radova. Od 2009. tvrtka posjeduje licencu Ministarstva kulture Republike Hrvatske za izvođenje građevinskih radova na nepokretnom kulturnom dobru. Od tada izvodi radove na brojnim spomenicima u staroj gradskoj jezgri Dubrovnika, koja je pod zaštitom UNESCO-a, te crkvama, samostanima i ljetnikovcima izvan gradskih zidina, u Cavtatu, na području Konavala i Dubrovačkoga primorja te na Elafitskim otocima i Pelješcu.

Libertas inženjering plus d.o.o. bavi se posredovanjem u prometu nekretnina temeljeći svoje poslovanje na individualiziranom pristupu klijentu te poznavanju i razumijevanju karakteristika lokalnoga tržišta. Direktor tvrtke položio je stručni ispit za posredovanje u prometu nekretnina te je upisan u Imenik agenata, a tvrtka u Registar posrednika u prometu nekretnina Hrvatske gospodarske komore.

Naša je misija odgovorno, pravovremeno, sveobuhvatno i kvalitetno odgovarati na zahtjeve klijenata u poslovima gradnje ili kupoprodaje nekretnina, poštujući najviše standarde poslovanja te pridonoseći razvoju lokalne zajednice.

Vizija je postati vodećim tvrtkama za graditeljstvo i posredovanje u prometu nekretnina na području Hrvatske, prepoznatim po pružanju vrhunskih usluga svojima klijentima.

Naše znanje, iskustvo i težnja izvrsnosti jamac su uspješnosti u Vašoj potrazi za savršenim domom ili izvrsnim ulaganjem.


Real Estate Croatia - Stone houses

New in our real estate offer

Stone houses In our current offering, you will find an extensive selection of old stone properties that are currently for sale. Recently, these authentic stone houses have become extremely popular among foreign investors as well as local future property owners. Their unmistakable charm and typical Mediterranean features blend elegance with traditional lifestyle, appealing to a wide range of people. Croatian stone houses come with a range of advantages. Stone houses on this captivating coastline combine traditional charm with magnificent views and immersive Mediterranean surroundings. These properties have a special ability to retain pleasant coolness during summer months and provide cozy thermal insulation during winter months, creating comfortable, energy-efficient living throughout the year. In addition to natural temperature regulation, stone houses also bring an unmistakable historical character. They reflect local architectural traditions and stories of the past, giving owners the opportunity to immerse themselves in the rich cultural heritage of the region. This type of property also offers exceptional resistance to weather conditions and reduces maintenance costs in the long term. ... In our current offering, you will find an extensive selection of old stone properties that are currently for sale. Recently, these authentic stone houses have become extremely popular among foreign investors as well as local future property owners. Their unmistakable charm and typical Mediterranean features blend elegance with traditional lifestyle, appealing to a wide range of people. Croatian stone houses come with a range of advantages. Stone houses on this captivating coastline combine traditional charm with magnificent views and immersive Mediterranean surroundings. These properties have a special ability to retain pleasant coolness during summer months and provide cozy thermal insulation during winter months, creating comfortable, energy-efficient living throughout the year. In addition to natural temperature regulation, stone houses also bring an unmistakable historical character. They reflect local architectural traditions and stories of the past, giving owners the opportunity to immerse themselves in the rich cultural heritage of the region. This type of property also offers exceptional resistance to weather conditions and reduces maintenance costs in the long term. A stone house on the Adriatic coast thus becomes a symbol of the connection between history, nature, and modern comfort for those seeking a unique living space. Our clients typically have a specific budget for purchasing a house and often also have reserve financial resources that can be used for renovating properties according to individual preferences and needs. These historical stone houses are spread along the beautiful Adriatic coastline, on the picturesque Istrian peninsula, and in the heart of the charming Dalmatian landscape. However, if the property is located in the heart of sought-after tourist centers, the price is usually higher compared to peaceful rural locations. Stone houses have a special charm and historical significance, making them not only attractive living spaces but also interesting investment opportunities. With the growing interest in tourism in this area, these properties are also popular as options for short-term rental to tourists, providing potential income to owners. We are pleased to invite you to explore our extensive offering of old stone houses, which will allow you to find splendid living spaces full of history. Our experts are ready to provide you with all the necessary information and assistance, so you can easily discover the right stone house that fulfills your visions and desires in the area of Croatian properties.

House For sale
Pićan 68.000 €
House For sale
Poreč 580.000 €
House For sale
Čavle 695.000 €
House For sale
Betina 350.000 €