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Television fees in Croatia

Television Receiver Fees in Croatia: Legal Framework, Obligations, and Responsibilities

In Croatia, the payment of fees for television receivers (known as RTV fees) is regulated by law and applies to all households that own a television receiver or other device capable of receiving television signals. This fee is a key source of funding for the public broadcaster, Hrvatska radiotelevizija (HRT), which is responsible for providing public service in the field of radio and television broadcasting.

Legal Basis and Fee Amount

According to the HRT law, every household that owns a device capable of receiving television signals is required to pay a monthly fee. This fee amounts to 10.62 EUR per month, and it must be paid even if the device is not actively used to receive television broadcasts.

Who is Required to Pay the Fee?

The primary responsibility for paying the fee lies with the property owner in Croatia where the television receiver is located. If the property is rented, the issue of fee payment may be addressed in the contract between the owner (landlord) and the tenant. However, unless otherwise specified in the contract, the general rule is that the responsibility for paying the fee lies with the person who actively uses the television receiver, typically the tenant.

If the tenant and landlord enter into a rental agreement specifying that the tenant will cover the RTV fees, the tenant thereby assumes responsibility for regular payments. If such agreements do not exist, the tenant should be informed about the obligation to pay this fee.

Exceptions and Relief Options

There are certain exceptions that can alleviate the financial burden associated with paying RTV fees:
- Social Exemptions: Individuals with low income, persons with disabilities, or other socially disadvantaged groups may be exempt from paying the fee or may receive a discount. However, these exemptions do not apply automatically and must be requested through the appropriate authorities.
- Elderly Persons: Individuals over 60 years old who live alone or in small households with low income may apply for a fee reduction. However, specific conditions set by law must be met.

Fee Monitoring and Enforcement

To ensure fairness and consistency in fee payments, HRT may conduct inspections in households. These inspections are aimed at verifying whether a television receiver is present in the household and whether the fee is being properly paid. If a violation of this obligation is found, the household may be subject to a fine, which can amount to several times the overdue fee.

Fines for non-payment can be a significant financial burden for households, so it is important to keep this obligation in mind and ensure timely payment of the fee. If the tenant is responsible for payment, it is advisable to include this obligation in the contract to avoid misunderstandings between the tenant and landlord.



2.400.000 €

Television fees in Croatia are mandatory for every household that owns a device capable of receiving television signals. Responsibility for payment usually lies with the person who uses the device, which may be the tenant if contractually agreed. Exemptions and discounts are available for certain social groups, but must be properly applied for. Non-payment of fees can result in fines and legal penalties, so it is important not to neglect this obligation.

Proper and timely payment of RTV fees not only contributes to the funding of quality public broadcasting but also ensures that households fulfill their legal obligations without unnecessary complications.